
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Flouncy Bag for my Sister

If you need any last minute gift ideas may I suggest One Yard Wonders...this book is the BEST!!

I made the Flouncy Bag for my sister, with not some, but a LOT of changes. Why?? Well, I've made this bag once, which I didn't know that there was some corrections

My Changes: (1) The D-Rings I bought were on the small side, since the directions don't tell you size to get, so I adjusted the width of the strap to fit the D-Ring better. (2) I didn't like the opening size of the bag, the book says the bands need to be 10" long, but the corrections say 11" and I made it 12". (3) Since I made the bands longer, I needed to adjust the Lining size as well. (4) I also had to adjust the bottom of the lining. (5) I used a coordinating fabric for the lining.

And, finally.....I added an inside pocket! Not just any pocket, but a zipper pocket, which I had to figure out on my own, since I do not have any books that explain how to do one. There was a LOT of thread ripping going on, at least 4 attempts that I can remember...I started to lose track...but after 4 hours I finally got it!

Considering this is the first zipper I've ever attempted, I think I did a great job!

Well, I hope my sister likes it....she's already seen the fabric, but she didn't know what I was going to make with it.


Lina Thomlinson said...

Great fabric choice! I think I own some from that same line, just with cutesy animals on it. I haven't been brave enough to try that particular pattern from the book but you make it look really good!

Jenny said...

wow claire...bag looks great! i love the inside zipper!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Very cute! She will love it! :-)